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Color Palette Google

Color Palettes »
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Colors in Palette

The official Google colors are blue, red, yellow and green. We recommend using the Google color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, Hex for web and the Pantone colors can be seen below. Google color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex. Color Palette is a simple tool that allows you to extract colors from images and generate your own color palette and gradients. It offers you a wide range of colors from various design languages such as Material Design, Flat Design, Fluent UI, Social Colors, HTML Colors, Metro UI colors. You can generate almost infinite colors and gradients using the app. Material Design The App is beautifully. Want a color scheme that perfectly matches your favorite images? With Canva’s color palette generator, you can create color combinations in seconds. Simply upload a photo, and we’ll use the hues in the photo to create your palette.


PNG Image of Google Colors Color Palette

Download Color Palette

Split4g for mac. Over 67281 color palettes listed created by color hex users, discover the new color palettes and the color scheme variations.



2 May 2020, 4:59

oml- this is perfect xd

18 Oct 2018, 13:09


18 Oct 2018, 13:09

@DarcyN no-one said anything about microsoft

6 Nov 2017, 19:14

schön :)

7 Feb 2017, 16:42

I check the blue color for Google logo, and actually they use #4285f4 ;) Next time please give accurate information please Best regards.

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Darker color palettes

Defining your palette

Darker colors are more suitable for social environments as they make screens less obtrusive. When used in OLED displays, darker colors also better preserve battery life.

Color Palette Google Slides

To create a dark color palette for your app, modify only the brightness value of your app’s primary color, leaving the hue and saturation values intact. Grays should be avoided, as any tint of color is more battery-efficient than any shade of gray or white.

Google Color Hex

UI regions

The example palette displayed here depicts a dark color palette for Wear OS:

UI region

Suggested brightness value

App color

Default color palette value Textsoap 8 0 9 – automate tedious text document cleaning. Sql injection tool get cc cvv dumps.

1 Black background

Antivirus zap 3 1 0 – virus & adware remover. 0%

2 Lighter background 1


3 Lighter background 2


4 Darker UI element Download buddy 1 8 5.


5 Lighter UI element


6 Active UI element


7 Accent


Use the darker spectrum of colors for large parts of the UI, such as the background color. Reserve lighter colors for accents and UI elements.

Color Palette Google
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